
Communication is a key part of all the elements in your business; management, succession, governance, strategy and family. Effective and timely communication techniques will ensure your business can respond to these elements addressing such things as daily operations, goals, ethics, returns to stakeholders, employment and finances.

“Misinterpretation of the facts or misperception whilst communicating as a family or a team is often the sticking point in a business process. An outside influence who is able to be unemotional and assist the parties to professionally develop where their communication weaknesses exist is often all that is needed to ensure successful transitions and strategies can be implemented.”

When it comes to effective communication there are a range of techniques and styles that iOnSUCCESS can help you with. Often it is formal or informal meetings including family councils, yet there are many other opportunities in small and family business – a gathering at the shed, social functions, written forms such as email/SMS/messaging. There are also times that some casual coaching will assist different people implement techniques for more positive results.

iOnSUCCESS has the resources relevant to small and family business to help you engage your business strategy and communications, particularly in rural and regional areas.

Find out how we can help you